Work with me
Human beings are amazing! We have a built in system with inherent fluidity which is capable of adapting, evolving and manifesting all that we require. We just need to learn how to use it, and own it! New business coaching techniques start the process of uncovering your unique user manual, whilst enabling mindfulness practices amplifies your direction and purpose so the information can be translated from body to mind and visa versa seamlessly. Add in your intuition and we have a whole heap of magic to work with!
Coaching is a tool, a way of de-cluttering the mind, identifying and removing unhelpful thoughts, and a way to explore all aspects of your life and bring to the forefront the answers to your unanswered questions, a way to appreciate the wonderfulness of your present. Through my coaching techniques you will focus on the aspects of your life that you would like to change, to improve.
It may be to enhance your business or career, manage stress or anxiety, overcome any personal limitations and or challenges, uncover your true self and unique purpose. We will identify a pathway for you to start making incremental changes necessary to enable you to live a life you love on your terms!
Premium 1:1 Coaching
This is for you if you have a change that you want to achieve and sustain and you want all the focus and my complete attention, and why wouldn’t you? This is my premium offering where you get unlimited access to me, my genius and a clear line of sight thats achievable, getting you where you need to be.
We design a program tailored to your requirements to get you well on your way to achieving your intentions, getting you Clarity on the action steps, gaining structure and building clear habits and embedding the necessary changes. So that you have the tools and habits at your disposal to use to keep momentum in your trajectory towards living a life that you love and deserve with Clarity through Conscious Creation.
The programs are delivered over a 6 or 12 month period.
VIP Strategy Day
Detangling, demystifying the overwhelm and having a plan is such an important part of life’s processes and yet can be overlooked. Which leaves confusion, overwhelm and frustration when we have far too many ideas, requests on our time and expectations to be able to manage and implement them all to our exacting standards – if indeed we know these. This is where I come in to support and guide you.
My VIP Strategy Days are designed to bring you Clarity and Direction to support you in a strategic long term planning session. These sessions are one off intensives to give you a greater sense of Clarity in your life, career, business and overall purpose, as well as provide you with the Direction and subsequent action steps required to have you achieving exactly what you need in the coming year.
One of these sessions alone will have you getting a greater handle on your business, relationships, career and or wellbeing and set you up for success, feeling re-enthused, motivated and on task.
This is a one off commitment session, of up to 5 hours together to plan, strategise and get you Clarity and Direction in the quadrants of your life that are needed.
The Conscious Creation Business Accelerator
This is my signature Business group Coaching Program and it is for you if you are wanting to start, evolve or grow a Purposeful and Conscious Business. This 12 week group coaching program is designed to support you fully in making aligned, conscious change and creating an impactful and soulful Business. From growing your audience and getting your branding on point to working on your money mindset and getting you out of overwhelm into Clarity with focus, motivation and a whole heap of self care combined.
You’ll immediately be part of a community of like minded entrepreneurs all bringing their special something to the world, as well as a private members area with an abundance of modules to learn from, weekly group coaching calls and a 1:1 session to start your personalised program. This is the Ultimate in Business Coaching for the Aligned and Conscious Entrepreneur.
The Accelerator MasterCircle
This is my 12 month follow on group program specifically for graduates of the Conscious Creation Business Accelerator or my 1:1’s. If you are serious about transforming your life and Business into one of your choosing and further developing your gifts in accordance with your purpose then you will be invited to apply for this program. Where you will be guided, supported and Coached through weekly group sessions and an additional monthly 1:1 session with me, as well as gift exchanges and development circles and opportunities for the next level in visibility, publicity and exposure.
This program, supported by online content and masterclasses, focuses further on mindset, cultivating successful habits, collaborations, community, publicity and writing and much more. With the ultimate goal of gaining a sense of self mastery, confidence beyond expectations, achieving your true potential and living life on your terms, with a thriving business.
Mindful Consultancy & Leadership Programs
Exploring and aligning Mindfulness Practises with Teams, Groups and Organisations so they can increase focus, staff retention and productivity. While reducing stress, absenteeism and burn out, through implementing Mindfulness to practically support and enhance strategies, policies and ways of working.
Programs and packages in Mindfulness are developed in conjunction with the Organisation or Team to ensure their specific needs are met. Wellbeing Surveys, analysis, Workshops, Presentations and facilitated Mindfulness sessions as well as group or individual Coaching can be considered.
Emerging Mindful Leader Programs are ideal for Leadership and Executive Teams looking to improve communication, empathy, leadership skills and dynamic practises to support the integration of improved Organisational Culture, through Mindfulness.
To design and tailor make a specific program to meet the Organisations, Team or Group needs obviously takes time and review. Proposals can be created following discovery sessions to better outline the investment.
Professional Leadership & Workplace Consultancy and Coaching
Career and Business Coaching can be the kickstart you need to commit you to securing a new Client, getting seen as the up and comer in your Company or give you the confidence to move industries. Together, using the principle of ‘Clarity through Conscious Creation’ we will quieten the noise and chaos from everyday life and refocus on the simplicity, finding your Clarity.
Through Conscious questioning and purposeful actions, you will be empowered to begin your journey bringing heart, mind, body and spirit into alignment to Create the Life, Career or Business you choose.
Conscious Leadership and Coaching Packages can be created for Businesses, Corporations and Groups upon request. Please contact me to discuss further.
Early Childhood Education Consultancy
Exploring and aligning Mindfulness Practises with Teams, Groups and Educators in Organisations so they can increase focus, team work and cohesion, improved wellbeing, emotional intelligence and happiness. While reducing stress, absenteeism and burn out, through implementing Mindfulness to practically support and enhance Centre strategies, policies and ways of working.
Programs and packages in Mindfulness are developed in conjunction with the Education Centre or Team to ensure their specific needs are met. Surveys, analysis, Workshops, Presentations and facilitated Mindfulness sessions as well as group or individual Coaching can be incorporated.
Emerging Mindful Leader Programs are ideal for Leadership Teams looking to improve communication, empathy, leadership skills and dynamic practises to support the integration of an improved Culture, through Mindfulness.
To design and tailor make a specific program to meet specific needs takes time and review. Proposals can be created following discovery sessions to better outline the investment.
Presenting & Speaking
These are great fun and I love the opportunity to talk about Mindfulness, Business and Coaching – the things that I am utterly passionate about! I create my Presentations specifically with the clients agenda in mind, usually on topics related to Female Entrepreneurs and women and Mothers in Business, Conscious Creation, Finding Fulfilment in Career and Business, Authenticity & Self Mastery, The Benefits of Mindfulness, Coaching Techniques and Practises, Managing Stress and Anxiety, Building Confidence and Emotional Intelligence – to name a few.
I use a mixture of facilitation methods, group exercises and coaching techniques to get the most commitment and participation from the audience, to gain the best and most impactful results at the end of the day. And we always have fun too!
Speaking and Presenting fees are on an application only basis.
I am always keen to offer my time to speak to Schools, Charities, Conference attendees and Not for Profit Organisations looking for inspirational and motivational content.

7 Day Business Building Challenge
How to grow your income, manage your lifestyle and make an impact with your business without feeling overwhelmed, confused and exhausted.
Clarity on your ideal client, and connect with them in a REAL way, know your impact and influence as an entrepreneur and gain confidence in yourself, your service and products and in promoting them.
Consciously Create a meaningful connection between yourself, your business, your clients and your Success!
This Business Building Challenge is the Catalyst for EXCEPTIONAL Change.

Creating the Conscious You
Creating the Conscious You is an online interactive program designed to take you through 12 insights ensuring that you have the most exquisite and solid foundations from which to build your dream existence.
Whether that is to start a business, excel in your career, write a book or simply feel happier and free.
Learning how to engage consciously with the world around you from a centred confident place will change your world.
My Free Ultimate 3 in 1 Mindset Pathway and Planner for Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Career Climbers and Conscious Business Bosses!
This is the #1 Strategy that you must put in place today to grow yourself and your business. Download your free copy to get started now.