How to introduce myself and tell you a bit about how 3C Coaching came to be?  Well bear with me as it could be a bit haphazard as I contend with the excitement of writing my first blog, let alone figuring out where indeed to start!

I guess I could start at the beginning, back in the UK where I was first introduced to coaching. But to be honest it would make for a long drawn out and unnecessary tale to begin my blog. Maybe I will hold that story for another day. So let’s skip straight to the reason, my why for writing this, my business purpose and how I got here today – Motherhood, so here goes……

I have always wanted to step out of my comfort zone and help, genuinely help people find their ‘why’. So I had to start living and breathing mine.

I became a mum and suddenly my whole world shifted, I expected more of myself and I realised I had no time to waste. I mean, I’d blinked and all of a sudden found I had grown up. I was living in NZ, had a great job, partner, home, dog, cat and wonderful friends and I was a grown up responsible for a baby, my baby! There were also a few other telling facts that I was no longer a care free 20-something, like grey hairs, wrinkles and a mortgage, however I was able to overlook those. But motherhood and getting married, well they were my clinchers. My triggers to stop dreaming of someday and make headway on my goals. So motherhood was my awakening of sorts. I love being a wife and mother but in order to retain some of me and who I always wanted to be I was driven to take action. Other than our cat, Grace, I am the only female in our household and it is really important to me to be an inspiration to my boys, not to mention showing them that I am practising what I preach, because I know they will challenge me as soon as they can. So I need my coaching and mindfulness tools now more than ever, to be my best self as my mental and physical resilience are being tested. But motherhood inspired me to get brave and follow my dream – I have always wanted to step out of my comfort zone and help, genuinely help people find their why, what and how. So I had to start living and breathing mine.

So back to the coaching. I had just given birth to our second son and it was time. Our family was complete and I wanted my last year of parental leave to be memorable for something towards my future, my family’s future. I’d always wanted to get my coaching accreditation and being a stay at home mum for a year seemed like the ideal time. And then, I catapulted my thinking forward 2 years, to when both kids were school ready and I’d have a thriving practise doing what I love and able to balance it around my family’s needs. My parallel dream of being a present mum, always doing the transportation runs, taking my boys to their classes and clubs, play dates etc. I figured that setting up the business would only take a few years of no sleep and being a mum to a newborn, when I made the decisions I was already well sleep deprived, so why not? And it has been the best career decision I could have made.

My love of coaching stemmed from everything I knew to be true about the topic, how people had everything they needed to make the right decisions for themselves. Their uniqueness makes our society and it needs embracing. So to be the person to empower others to take the necessary actions and make the changes they need to – that’s everything to me! And to be able to incorporate mindfulness and wellness as an additional tool, in this busy technology driven 24/7 world we now live in, seems to be a necessity for a happier, healthier and more present life. These are the skills I have embraced to enrich my life, and the skills I hope my boys will observe through me.

Fast forward to April 2016 and 3C Coaching was born, out of a long awaited dream, during the midst of a sleep deprived era of a new mum of two with the intention of making someday, one day. Being an inspiration for my boys, being able to help people gain their sense of clarity and get conscious, about themselves and where they are and where they want to be, and then taking those first steps to committing to creating it. Even through challenges and doubts, and I’ve been there. I know I will never stop growing. learning and developing and nor do I want to, life’s about learning and experiencing and I want to do as much of it as possible with my loved ones. So 3C stands for Clarity through Conscious Creation as the process for getting through life, making sure it is one that you control, love and deserve, not something that’s  happening to you and around you. And on the flip side to me 3C is a reminder of my why it stands for my three Callan’s, my husband and my two boys. I am beyond lucky.

So 3C Coaching is my vehicle for empowering others, guiding them to help themselves in identifying and achieving their goals. Be it an amazing career or business, an outstanding lifestyle or incredible wellness and a higher state of consciousness or living mindfully with resilience and happiness. Whatever your heart desires can be created. But putting your finger on what your true happiness is, requires some initial soul searching. That’s what I love, helping people get to their eureka moment, and supporting them to believe they can make it happen.

There are a few people that I’d like to thank for helping me realise my dream. My husband and boys for standing by me and letting me find my way. My parents for their encouragement and enthusiasm, my personal cheer squad! My friends Vicky and Kathryn for listening and re-organising my mind through the clutter of creativity and my impatience. Amadee, Lance & Jo for all the business savvy advice. My teacher, peers and fellow students through the Mindfulness Coaching School, it’s been epic! Jess for clearly telling me in the very beginning that starting up this business was a good thing, ‘and it wasn’t like I was planning on murdering anyone!‘ Lee, my IT guy, for being so willing to change everything on a whim! All my fantastic friends for your encouragement and support. And last but not least by any means my wonderful willing clients, the reason I do what I do.