Spiritual and Successful? What does it take to walk that line today?

Spiritual and Successful? What does it take to walk that line today?

What does it mean to run a spiritual business in this day and age? Courage, Commitment, vulnerability and a deep sense of self awareness? And what in fact is a spiritual business anyway? All big questions so let’s break it down.

I am noticing a lot of people are starting to find that they are at peace in the quiet, at one with themselves when in alignment, are being called to more spiritual practises where they engage their bodies and minds using methods like meditation and yoga and this helps them to settle in the rush of their days. What I see happen alongside this is the fact that those people begin to get curious and start to awaken to needing more out of life. Yet they cannot find the ‘more’ they are looking for because it doesn’t exist in a material thing, it’s purpose, passion, fulfilment even calling which is the beginning of a journey of spiritual awakening where they seek a soul connection and purpose.

What happens with this change in the dynamic of the world and society is that a lot more spiritually gifted people come in to support this evolution and, guess what, make it radically ‘normal’, where it used to be seen as new age. Well, I consider that the ‘age’ has arrived and it’s not so new anymore.

It is therefore becoming more frequent now for the spiritually gifted to be starting businesses and being of service to others legitimately, receiving the value of their services. Which is about time in my opinion. I believe we all have talents and gifts and we deserve to be able to use them as our vocation to support our living fully in the world, just as we would if working in any other industry and receive financial reward and recognition accordingly.

A spiritual business could be anything holistic from clairvoyants to kinesiologists, astrologists, healers, naturopaths, energy workers, intuitives , witches, and everything in between. There is no end to the wisdom and talents and these gifted individuals and practises and methods are continuously evolving. So the idea of labelling them into a singular function is merely a way of communicating as transparently as possible the method and tools they utilise most frequently to provide their specialised and unique service.

There are talented, honest spiritual workers out there and they should no longer feel held back, judged or less than what they are because of societies expectations or previous treatment of those in fields that they don’t fully understand, yet. As the world is changing and becoming more open and available to the wealth of holistic practitioners, and as our needs to be more flexible and work in our own rhythms and with our truest natures and purposes, we are starting to redefine what our own spiritual businesses could be. And the value in these services and the welcome relief they provide is on the increase. This is where spiritual business owners require support, the fine line between logical and successful business ideas and unique approaches that support the building of their purposeful brand, into a functional business.

So how do you build a successful business when you are a spiritual practitioner? Most of the time the two attempt to repel one another, a logical and structured business model or plan with the fluidity of ease and flow and inspired action of the soul. I want to tell you that it most definitely can be done, but it takes a little work to define the best approach for each person, and that’s where I feel it runs a little differently for Spiritual business owners. And let’s be clear right now, you do not have to sell out or be anything other than what you are to make a business work for you. To try and take a path travelled by a successful business owner already can sometimes feel unwelcome, and uncomfortable. We need to appreciate that we can learn all the options available in business and then we find our own pathway, as we were not made to follow the functionality of another, we need to seek out what feels aligned for us and pick and choose the methods that we feel can challenge us yet also provide us with the best platforms and foundations.

So how can you get started? Here are my questions for you to establish a solid foundation for your business, and understanding of what the business provides and who you are serving.

What does success look like?

  • To have a successful business it’s important to define what success means to you. It’s not just monetary terms that fulfil a spiritual business owner but education, recognition, changing lives, improving things etc. So please define what success would mean to you and how you would know when you’ve achieved it.

What does value feel like?

  • When we talk about money we can feel uncomfortable and price our services too cheaply through fear. You have to determine what feels like a fair and aligned energetic exchange when it comes to receiving value for the services you provide. It may be that you choose to work for receiving other items you need, so that often times money isn’t involved directly but that you get what you need. This is an older way of working yet it should not be discounted as we need to realise money is energy and if we get what we need ultimately then we have what we want. So in alignment with the question about regarding success, what does value feel like to you as an fair energetic exchange for your services, and how can you get comfortable transparently advertising and talking about that amount?

What contribution do you want to make in the world and why?

  • What is the ultimate purpose of the gift you offer the world through your business and how does this fulfil your souls calling? This is a time to think big and determine what you bring to the world through your existence and the existence of your business. Once you have established this you can repurpose it to use as mission statements, values for your brand and also to guide you when making decisions.

Who do you serve?

  • Think about who you connect with the most, who you enjoy working with the most and the types of people who benefit from your services the most. Define those people in age, life experiences, gender, personality traits and characteristics. Get to know the reason you connect with these people the most and how you support and help them the most. Then you can determine who you are meant to work with and how you can connect with them.

What are your services?

  • Now is the time to create approximately 2-3 services, types of services with differing lengths and price points. Once you are in business and serving clients you will evolve and change these, so do not worry about the perfection of these, just go with what works for you now and what you can offer so you have something to sell and work with. Once people have experienced what you do you can work with them to improve the experiences, services and get testimonials to support your attraction marketing in the future also.

How do you want to let people know you exist?

  • Once you have the foundations of your business you need to get started, you need to go out there and get clients, so how do you want to market your business, maybe through social media, maybe through fliers, expos, word of mouth or even friends and family. See what feels in alignment with your values and what supports your why in business and you’ll get there. All you have to do is start with one particular method and allow the others to grow after you have mastered one initially.

It is never easy to start a business, whether it is spiritual or not, you will come up against a lot of your own mental blocks and challenges, these are all opportunities for your growth, because once you are more on your purposeful path you evolve and grow and that is through facing the things that could hold you back. So use the courage, the commitment, the vulnerability you have and tap into your self awareness to know these triggers, your personal blind spots and see them for what they are, your guide posts for evolving and being able to help even more people on the other side.

I hope this has enlightened and connected you, to bring a greater sense of purpose to you and your gifts, and if you’d like to delve deeper you can take part in my 7 day Business Building Challenge (www.alisoncallan.com/7daybizchallenge) , which will take you on a further journey to define and create your conscious business foundations, with logic and fulfilment.

Alison Callan is The Clarity and Success Coach for Aspiring Entrepreneurs, as well as an Internationally Accredited Coach and Mindfulness Consultant, Facilitator, Speaker and #1 Best Selling Co-Author of the book ‘You Are Meant For More’.

Alison is committed to helping You mindfully align with your mission to create Conscious Business with Purpose, Confidence and Ease. So that you live a life you love and deserve with Clarity through Conscious Creation.

Check out more on Alison Callan on her WebsiteFacebook and LinkedIn pages, or schedule a Discovery call to work with Alison now.

Respect the stages of your Business, and it’s cycle.

Respect the stages of your Business, and it’s cycle.

I haven’t made any sales this week…!

I need an income….

Why am I doing this….

What was I thinking?

Maybe I’m doing something wrong, what more should I be doing…?

These are all the things I hear from aspiring entrepreneurs and I get it. I was once where you are, and it feels yucky, scary and bleak.

I get it, I truly do.

But you know what I figured out? A way to re-think and see weeks with no income as abundant. And you can to.

You see, when you’re in a regular job or career, you likely only got paid once a month, right? So it doesn’t need to be any different in your Business. Especially when you’re starting out.

You are working everyday towards an income in your business, so you need to make sure at the end of the month your wages pay your needs. Sounds pretty logical. And in fact it was the same at your career job. You had expectations, a job description, tasks to achieve and deadlines to do it by. It is no different when working for yourself, although this is usually where we falter.

This ultimately means putting in solid and focused activities towards your perceived outcome, every single day and not deviating from the plan. Now I could go off on the importance of planning, but I will leave that to another post.

For now, you need to be able to see the cycle of your activity as contributing to something – usually your pay day!

You see, you need to go through a period of establishing your business, which goes through the following stages:

  1. Concept, Creativity & Inspiration – this is where you actively come up with your vision for product or service, you feel excited and cannot wait to get stuck in to making it a reality.
  2. Design, Development and Product – you actually make your moment of inspiration a reality and get cracking on building that which you envisaged to produce your dream. This usually feels like a hard slog, but worth it in the end, this is a time consuming phase.
  3. Marketing and Generating Sales – this is the sticky bit, now you have your thing, how do you tell people about it? You might feel lost, or disappointed at this phase, or mildly optimistic. This is your first go round, go gentle and tap into your stage 1 excitement to share that with the world.
  4. Providing Services or Products in the abundance exchange – you start to deliver your offering and receive in exchange, which feels great – but you begin to feel the catch up of what you’ve been through to get here, sometimes it can feel as though it wasn’t worth it. Again, it gets easier the more frequently you do it. And now you have one thing, so you’ll always have it.

Do you see, there’s actually only 1 of the 4 stages where you are receiving income, in the beginning of your Business, or with a new service. The rest of the time you are actively generating activity to lead to the outcome of serving your people and ultimately being recompensed for doing so.

This is why making sure you are taking aligned action in one of these stages every single day feels purposeful.

When you can see this cycle of activity and you get comfortable with your outputs and you keep on creating and repeating, this is when you start to scale your Business.

But for now my gorgeous aspiring entrepreneur you are starting, you are building and you need to allow yourself permission and time to go through this process to truly know what’s working for you and your Business.

When you have one offering that is working well for you and your audience, that is when you can scale. That is when you can build more and spend more time in each of these areas while you have other strategies ongoing in the other service.

You see, you are one person, you are all things to everyone – but mostly you are striving to make a difference and you are doing so.

Just remember whichever phase or stage you are in within the cycle of your Business, you are learning, growing and establishing and these things take time.

Be kind and considerate of yourself and take aligned action every darn day, knowing that you are creating this cycle of activity that is aligned for you, your business and your customers.

One person (thats you) will make the difference you strive to, as long as you acknowledge and respect the process you will go through to get there.

If you want to know more about Business Building and how I can support you, I am opening up Applications to invite in my Ideal Soul Client to join my Conscious Creation Business Accelerator Program.

If you are wanting to be supported, to learn and grow with like minded Spiritual Boss Babes Apply Now for your free discovery call – you honestly have no idea how magical Business can be when you are in the company of total Inspiration, Community and Support.

Alison xoxo

Alison Callan is The Clarity and Success Coach for Aspiring Entrepreneurs, as well as an Internationally Accredited Coach and Mindfulness Consultant, Facilitator and Speaker.

Committed to helping You mindfully align with your mission to create Conscious Business with Purpose, Confidence and Ease. So that you live a life you love and deserve with Clarity through Conscious Creation.

Check out more on Alison Callan on her WebsiteFacebook and LinkedIn pages.

Not everyone will want to work with you

Not everyone will want to work with you

This is a pep talk and not for the faint of heart, know this comes with much support and understanding, however it needs to be addressed.

Not everyone will want to work with you.

As an empath I get it, it hurts. Rejection sucks.

Especially when you put your heart and soul into your purpose and you feel its not seen, understood or valued as valuable to others.

But if you look deeper into the feelings you are left with, there is always an underlying acknowledgement that it wasn’t meant to be, and you knew this.

I work a little differently to most coaches, and so do my clients. We make sure that we choose our clients and customers as much as they choose us. This however comes with it’s own issues, because when we get rejected it hurts even more, because we thought we had got it right.

Again when we go deeper, we know on a level of personal truth that we weren’t 100% sure about working together either, but Wanted too none the less, interesting isn’t it. You see what we Want, isn’t always what we Need.

Now you can choose to feel rejected and defeated and as though your purpose is no longer meaningful. Or you can acknowledge the fact that everything is an opportunity to learn and grow. That your boundaries within your business are fundamental and qualifying your potential clients is oh so important to ensure you only deal with those who already know they Need to work with you – not Want.

Let’s take ‘wanting’ out of the picture all together. Become detached from the outcomes and trust in ourselves, our services and the results we get to create when we are on our truest path.

None of it is a waste, it is a gentle reminder to keep in aligned action, to believe ever so much more in ourselves, and the clients that we do work with. Because that is where the magic happens when you are with that specific person you came here to work with and for.

Do not allow yourself to get led down the pity pathway and stop all the good you are doing. Even though you might feel the strong pull towards giving up. Instead stand tall, feel your power at being able to naturally attract your tribe of people and repel those you are meant to.

Here are some reminders:

  • Make it easy for people to see what it’s like working with you, by being visible.
  • Be transparent with what it takes to work with you.
  • Qualify your potential clients and customers before committing to them.
  • Be clear about who you want to work with, and why.
  • Build a connection, so you can truly see one another.
  • Never compromise your values or integrity
  • Be flexible, where you intuitively know the outcomes beneficial for everyone.
  • Trust your-damn-self! Never waver!
  • Acknowledge your value, stand by it and shout about it.

And there are even some amazing tools for Business that can support you in automating your pathways for Business which are in alignment to all of the above.

My personal favourites are:

  • Trello for all your project management needs, and even managing clients and customers jointly.
  • Acuity* for setting up an intuitive workflow from scheduling to qualifying and receiving payment.
  • Zoom for connecting and meeting people
  • Facebook as a social platform to create groups, learning units and start to get to know your audience.

If you are a Conscious Aspiring or Established Entrepreneur who feels this way and wants to be in a place where they are feeling their confidence, their alignment in business, ease in being themselves and doing things their own unique way. This is where I can support you.

I understand what it takes to be in Business as an empath, and how you can remain true to yourself in the process yet be a Success, and allow yourself to feel the Success. If you are looking for a Coach to help you elevate your Business and you’re wanting someone who understands the feelings behind inspired and aligned action.

And you want someone who will value your uniqueness, get behind your dreams just the way they are and support you to enhance them….

…..Without the pressure and the frameworks that everyone else is doing. Then we should talk.

I am starting another Conscious Creation Business Accelerator Program and I am currently qualifying my ideal group. If you’d like to be considered to join me and my amazing Spiritual Empathetic Boss Babes in the Conscious Creation Business Accelerator, then Apply Now.

This Business should be exciting, you should have people you’re serving, you should be making the difference you crave to make and you should be supported in doing so. And I am Consciously Creating the space for this and inviting you to join me

So the question is, are you ready?

If you want to know more about Business Building and how I can support you, I am opening up Applications to invite in my Ideal Soul Clients to join my Conscious Creation Business Accelerator Program.

If you are wanting to be supported, to learn and grow with like minded Spiritual Boss Babes Apply Now for your free discovery call – you honestly have no idea how magical Business can be when you are in the company of total Inspiration, Community and Support.

Alison xoxo

Alison Callan is The Clarity and Success Coach for Aspiring Entrepreneurs, as well as an Internationally Accredited Coach and Mindfulness Consultant, Facilitator and Speaker.

Committed to helping You mindfully align with your mission to create Conscious Business with Purpose, Confidence and Ease. So that you live a life you love and deserve with Clarity through Conscious Creation.

Check out more on Alison Callan on her WebsiteFacebook and LinkedIn pages

* Please note I am an affiliate of Acuity, and have attached my link accordingly.